Monday, March 31, 2008

On A Need to Snow Basis

So, it's the end of March and over the past weekend, Seattle got a good dumping of snow. Not a whole lot, mind you, but enough to build a couple of snowpeople in our backyard.

Emily and Ally (my daughters, 4 and 2) wanted to go outside and play in the snow so after bundling them up in several layers of clothes, we headed out to the wild wilderness that is our backyard and made a couple of snowmen ... or, well ... snowpeople. The snowperson on the left is Emily. Ally is the one on the right. The "Creator" is the one in the center. It's crazy weather though. Usually, we get snow in the December/January timeframe so it's surprising to us to see snow sticking to the ground in late March. Not that it was a bad thing since making snowpeople is always a lot of fun. For more pictures, you can check out my Flickr website at

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Meaning of Wham!

So, some of you probably know this already but I'm a big Lost fan. I think it's the greatest TV show ever conceived and currently the only game in town that consistently keeps me glued to the edge of my seat each week. I usually Tivo (or technically, record it on my Media Center PC) Lost and watch it post-live broadcast. Occasionally, both Tivo and Media Center will, due to the goofy time schedules that ABC plays with popular TV shows, where a TV show will run over the usual one hour time slot by several minutes, probably to intentionally mess up people's Tivo recording schedules, record a portion of the show that plays after Lost, which currently is a new show called Eli Stone. And the pilot episode of Eli Stone had George Michael in it (don't ask me why; go watch the show to find out why GM shows up).

In any case, after having watched that pilot, I've been on this Wham!/George Michael groove where I would play nothing but Wham! and/or George Michael on my iPod/Zune player(s). In fact, I'm currently listening to "Everything She Wants" and thinks that it rocks! Rocks hard! Like Michael Jackson during his Thriller days hard (that's another post).

I was joking to a friend of mine that there is bound to be a Wham! Reunion Tour spinning up sometime soon since 1) all of these other groups from the 80s (The Police, Van Halen) are doing these reunion tours; why not Wham!, 2) I'm sure George Michael is hard up for some public lovin' after all of the negative press during the past few years and 3) that other dude (Andrew Ridges ... or something like that) could use the visibility.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Entry

So, I'm going to give this blog thing a try and keep going until 1) work/life gets too busy to update this blog or 2) I lose interest in updating the blog or 3) a combination of both. Hopefully, I'll find the time and motivation to keep going for some time.